Mood: relaxed
First day of many. 2024 doesn't feel different. I just enjoyed a cup of coffee and a brownie for breakfast. Different does not always mean better.
I’ll make it, I know I will. Trying to get good grades was never my thing, I always saw school as something I had to get through and to be fair, I never thought I’d make it this long. Now that I get a do-over I want to make it count. Deans list might be a little too much, but I know I have the potential to do well. Sometimes it is good to do things at a later stage in life, I know 26 isn’t old but it does feel like I need to have everything figured out already. My living situation when I was younger got in the way, but I finally feel prepared to take my studies serious.
New Year’s resolutions are premediated disappointments, ride the waves but don’t fall off the boat. You know what the bad thing about reading your own writing is? Can't tell if it's horseshit or just okay. One thing I’m very proud of is the drawing I’m working on right now and I can’t wait to finish it. Instead of staring at a white canvas and getting so frustrated I give up after a 30 minutes, I make little vision boards? Mood boards? Whatever you want to call it. It’s basically shitty thumbnails with corresponding pictures that inspired me. MILGRAM has been a HUGE inspiration for me, I’m kind of surprised at the illustration I am making right now, it’s exactly what I had in my head, but I decided on cell shading and I love it.
Alright no resolutions BUT delete the music you don’t listen to from your music library! You don’t need the full album if you only like one song, and there’s no need to curate your listening experience to have it look “good” at the end of the year!